Second to safety valves, rupture discs
are the most commonly utilized pressure
protection devices in industrial plant
operations. Protecting pipelines and vessels
from deformation and other damage, repture
discs priorities are to protect the system
and minimize downtime.
Pricing Options:
- Primary Relief
The rupture disc is the only
device utilized for pressure
relief. Advantages of having a
rupture disc as the primary
relief device is an
instantaneous response time,
minimum pressure drop, leak
tight, high reliability and
minimum maintenance.
- Secondary Relief
Providing a backup vent to a
primary relief device, usually a
relief valve, when using a
rupture disc as secondary
relief. It provides additional
protection against an unlikely,
but possible major event that
would excees the capacity of the
primary relief device.
- In Series With Relief Valves
The rupture disc is usually
installed upstream when used in
series with a pressure relief
valve. Protecting from process
media that can corrode or plug
the PRV. The rupture disc can
also act as a seal, unless
ruptured, preventing leakage
through the valve.
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