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QuestTec Level-Trac LT-420
Level-Trac LT-420

The LT-420 is a unique device used for water level indication on Section I boilers and other boiler feedwater applications. The unit combines several standard features in order to satisfy modern boiler code requirements, and at same time address challenging aspects of water/steam level applications. ASME BPVC.I-2019 PG-60.1.1 requires a Remote Level Indicator (RLI), to continuously measure, transmit and display the water level in the control room. The RLI is a discrete system that monitors the water level, independent of the DCS. Paired with a GWR transmitter, the LT-420 provides a reliable solution for water level indication.


  • 4-20mA Output Signal
  • Programmable Alarm & Trip Points from Guided Wave Radar
  • Serial Remote Display Signal - Optional Fiber Optic
  • Ability to power three remote indicators
  • 4 - Relays, 8 AMP per relay
  • ASME PG60.1.1.2 Code Compliant
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